Interior decoration,  My projects

Pimp my speakers with d-c-fix vinyl

Some time ago my husband spotted a pair of quality speakers on a flea market at a ridiculously low price and he bought them. I have nothing against a good sound quality but the worn cherry wood finish was not really something I wanted to see in our living room. After some thinking, I bought black woodgrain d-c-fix adhesive vinyl to cover the red cherry wood.

The d-c-fix vinyl I used for my project.

I don’t know if I have ever used d-c-fix before but it was really easy to use. I removed part of the backing paper and just rolled it on my speakers, removing any bubbles with a plastic ruler. The vinyl was sturdy enough for me to rip it off when it didn’t align properly and I could make adjustments until I was happy. The woodgrain pattern not only matched the finish of our old speakers (that we will probably use to make a proper surround-sound system) but it also helped to hide the edges.

The d-c-fix black woodgrain vinyl closeup.

I started with the back of the speakers and covered the back with a narrow d-c-fix vinyl strip that I cut into the right dimensions. Only after the vinyl was attached I punched through those two round holes. A little heating with a hair dryer helped to form the nice round edges.

I wasn’t so tidy with the lower part with the inputs as those are way down and against the wall. I even added a little patch where I had managed to leave a small hole.

The speaker back.
The back of a speaker.

The top and the sides were completely smooth and easy to cover. The only thing was to try to make the front edge straight.

The top of the speakers.

The first speaker was a little slower as I was not sure about the best way of handling this d-c-fix vinyl, but the second took only a few minutes to cover. Now with the newly covered speakers, our little TV-music-gaming setup looks much better:

The finished TV-music-gaming setup with the spruced up speakers.

The black-and-white pictures are part of my project of creating our family history portrait gallery. They are only sitting next to the TV set until I manage to get the rest of the photos framed.

I hope you find this post useful. Perhaps you too have some worn furniture or electronics that might benefit from little sprucing up? Thank you for reading and see you soon!


I am a mother of two. I sew, knit and create and blog about it.

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